Ready to grow your plumbing business? Since plumbing is an essential service, and one that every home and business owner needs from time to time, it can be a very competitive industry. Whether you’re looking to attract new clients, reconnect with existing ones, or both, effective plumber advertising can take your business to new heights.

Not sure where to start with your plumber advertising efforts? Today, consumers are going online to research and shop for products and services, and that includes home improvement services like plumbing. While you need to invest in digital marketing initiatives to stay competitive, there’s still a place for traditional marketing tools and techniques when it comes to generating positive word of mouth for your business. Read on to discover the four best plumber advertising ideas you can use to cultivate high-quality leads and push your business further.

Advertise on Google

When most people look for a product or service, they turn to Google first. As you refine your plumber advertising strategy, consider using any or all of the following types of Google ads to promote your business:

  • Google Local Service Ads: Want to show up at the top of Google search results when people search for “plumbers near me” or “best plumber near me”? If so, you should invest in Google Local Service Ads. These ads run on a pay-per-lead model, so you only pay when a customer contacts you.
  • Google Search Ads: These ads are much like Local Service Ads, but you’ll bid on specific keywords to show up in search results pages. For example, you can target people in your area searching for terms like “plumbing service,” “emergency plumber,” or “drain cleaning.” This method is especially effective if you specialize in certain services, like residential plumbing, commercial plumbing, emergency services, etc.
  • Google Display Ads: Unlike the previous Google ads examples, Display Ads appear as banners, graphics, or videos to relevant consumers as they browse the web. You can easily target specific demographics and interests—and you can even reconnect with people who’ve visited your website before. Include important information like your company name, logo, contact information, and a call to action in your Display Ads, and make sure to track performance and make adjustments when necessary.

Leverage social media

No matter what product or service you provide, your brand and business need a social media presence—even when you work in the plumbing industry. Your Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube page is an easy, personable way to connect with your ideal customers and measure the success of your social media marketing efforts.

Many plumbers invest in social media ads to promote services or specials, share positive reviews from happy customers, or show off a job well done. These sponsored ads help plumbers send out customized messages to a targeted audience, including a call to action that generates high-quality leads.

Why is social media advertising so effective?

  • You can create and target a specific audience based on location, age, and other key demographic information.
  • You can quickly increase brand awareness and cultivate more high-quality leads.
  • You can set your own advertising budget and monitor results, including clicks, conversions, etc.

Consider traditional advertising

While digital marketing is the way of the future, traditional, physical ads may be the best way to target potential customers, depending on your target audience. For example, if you’re looking to generate more leads among older adults in your community, sending printed collateral can be a more effective way to reach them instead of digital options like Facebook or Google ads. Some traditional plumber advertising tools that still work today include:

  • Sending flyers or postcards: Running a special or promotion? Design and print some dynamic flyers or postcards to spread the word to people in your service area. Use plenty of color and unique visuals—and be sure to include important contact information—to make sure your marketing materials get noticed.
  • Setting out yard signs: Yard signs are an affordable, effective way to spread the word about your business. Create simple, eye-catching yard signs and ask satisfied customers to place a sign in their yard. In exchange, you could offer participating customers a discount, enter them in a prize drawing, or any other incentive that works for you.
  • Distributing promotional items: Promotional items or swag can be an effective, inexpensive way to get your name out there. Invest in high-quality, stylish items that are emblazoned with your logo and company information. Some of the best giveaways are useful, everyday items like novelty pens, custom drinkware, magnets, sticky notes, and more.

Foster mutual partnerships

Word of mouth is one of the best plumber advertising strategies—and best of all, it’s completely free. If you’re looking for more organic marketing opportunities, fostering partnerships and encouraging referrals is a great way to do it. Take every opportunity to network with other tradespeople and encourage reciprocal lead generation. For example, sharing prospects with hardware stores, property managers, construction companies, and more can cultivate a rewarding referral network that benefits all parties.

Word-of-mouth referrals can also come from satisfied customers. As you develop positive relationships with repeat clients, encourage them to spread the good word about your plumbing business with their neighbors. Then, target these areas with traditional marketing materials—like those described above—to capitalize on the neighborhood buzz about your business.

Grow your plumbing business with the help of North One

Running a business has never been more challenging, even if you’re a professional providing an essential service like plumbing. Home and business owners have numerous options when it comes to the plumber they choose to work with, and good plumbing advertising can give your business a leg up on the competition.

As you try the marketing techniques and plumber advertising suggestions described above to generate a buzz—and new clients—for your plumbing company, you’ll need a banking solution that helps you scale and accommodates your growth. North One is the perfect banking partner for small businesses, including plumbing contractors. Contact us today to learn more about how our digital banking solutions make it easier for you to run your business, generate a profit, and enjoy long-term success.