If you’re ready to increase your client list and take your plumbing business to new heights, you’ll need to step up your plumbing marketing game.

Here are the best plumbing marketing strategies to try in 2024.

1. Claim your space on Google My Business

Even in an industry like plumbing, online presence matters. Every business that offers local services, including plumbing companies, must have a solid online presence to reach potential clients in their service area.

The first step in creating a powerful web presence, if you don’t already have one, is to create a Google My Business listing. This free service allows businesses to create customized listings on the web. You can include all the essential information your potential customers need to know, including what services you provide, your service area, hours, contact information, and much more.

Through Google My Business, you can publish images and posts that relate to your plumbing company. Going the extra mile and creating a well-rounded business profile lends trust and credibility to your company, and you can even include online reviews about your business.

2. Create a professional website

Today’s consumers turn to the web when they make just about any purchasing decision, and that includes choosing a plumber. A professional-looking website improves your online visibility, directing your customers from your Google My Business listing to your online web presence so that people can explore your services further.

A high-quality website creates a positive first impression on potential customers. It instills trust in them, especially if you include relevant information about your background, credentials, what areas you serve, and more.

Make sure to highlight what makes you different from other plumbers in the area. Maybe you offer a better price than the competition, or you might offer complimentary follow-up services to make sure your clients are completely satisfied. Play up what makes you different, so that customers are incentivized to choose your business over others.

3. Use social media to reach your target audience

Social media provides a wide range of benefits, but for plumbing marketing in particular, you can reach a specific target market of people who need your services. You can promote your business page on social media and be very specific about who you’re targeting.

For example, you can target people who live in the areas you serve. More specifically, you can cater to those who need your service through Facebook or Instagram ads, specifying a wide range of criteria including age, gender, and interests so you can ensure the people who need to see your ads the most are clicking on your ads and are directed to your page.

4. Gather positive online reviews

Cultivating and managing online reviews is a completely free, organic form of marketing. For many people searching for new service providers, the best way to learn about potential options is to read testimonials and reviews. Even if you have a professional-looking website and a great social media presence, if customers aren’t impressed with your services, your business has a low chance for success.

Encourage happy customers to leave online reviews for your business, and make sure the process is easy for them to complete. Include a QR code that sends them directly to a review form or include a simple call to action on the invoices or receipts you provide. The more positive reviews you receive, the more potential customers will trust your business.

5. Implement a customer referral program

Satisfied customers can be your plumbing company’s best advocates. By starting a customer referral program—if you don’t already have one—you can turn great customer service into a plumbing marketing strategy that pays dividends in the short and long terms.

Ask your most satisfied customers to refer friends and family and be sure to offer incentives to sweeten the deal. Even small rewards like discounts on future services, gift cards to other services, branded products, and more can get happy clients to refer others.

Also, remember you don’t need to limit your referral program to your current customer base. You can even get referrals from other plumbers. Talk to other plumbers in your community, share leads that match your specialties and watch your business thrive.

6. Partner with local builders and HOAs

If your plumbing services include new home or building plumbing system installations, partnering with a local builder can provide plenty of new leads. Ask local builders if they need help designing and installing water systems for any upcoming projects.

It’s also wise to connect with local homeowners associations (HOAs). Reach out to any HOA that lies within your service area and introduce them to your business and the services you offer. If they aren’t already partnered with a local plumber, ask them to give you a chance the next time a repair or emergency arises—you could even include an incentive like a discounted rate to sweeten the deal.

7. Invest in marketing materials

Even in a digitally focused world, tangible marketing materials still matter, especially when it comes to local services like plumbing. Investing in offline plumbing marketing strategies, like printed materials, branded merchandise, and other items can boost your brand awareness and your overall reach. Some creative ways to spread the word about your business include:

  • Branded items like fridge magnets, keychains, etc.
  • Door hangers, flyers, or postcards
  • Stickers
  • Vehicle wraps

8. Create compelling plumbing content

Today’s consumers are looking online for answers to their questions. How can I fix a leaky toilet? How do I know when I need to call a plumber? Answering questions like these in the content you publish can set you apart as an industry expert and keep your name at the top of mind of potential customers.

You can start creating compelling content by making a list of what you know best. There are two common methods for sharing interesting, educational content that relates to your plumbing services.


A simple blog post can help you go in-depth about plumbing topics. As a bonus, the more high-quality blogs you post, the more Google will view you as an authority in your field. That means your website will rise through search engine rankings, placing your business at the top of the list when potential customers search for local plumbing services.


Video is one of the most effective, dynamic marketing tools that can help you reach a wider audience and demonstrate in-depth solutions to plumbing problems. You don’t even need specialty equipment or a camera crew to make great video—simply start by livestreaming an installation or repair project on your social media channels. Share your videos on social platforms and your website and publish high-quality content that establishes trust with potential leads.

Grow your plumbing business in 2024 and beyond

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the industry for decades, effective plumbing marketing can help you generate new leads and grow your small business. From boosting your online presence to investing in physical marketing collateral like flyers or vehicle wraps, there are several proven strategies that can help you reach new customers in 2024. Give the tips above a try this year and watch your plumbing business reach new heights!

Best banking for plumbing businesses

If you’re looking for a business banking solution which fits your needs as a plumbing business owner, consider North One. North One offers advanced banking features for plumbing businesses like same-day ACH transfers, useful savings features, and no hidden fees. Apply for North One Business Banking today to access superior banking for your business.