Here in the post-Covid era, with the Great Resignation still in progress, more and more people are looking for a business you can start from home. A home-based business offers flexibility, convenience, and potentially a larger income from setting your own prices on goods and services, as well as saving money previously used on travel. 

In this article we’ll share some home small business ideas, as well as offer tips and strategies for getting started.

Professional services to start from home

There are any number of professional services that you can manage from home, but here are a few ideas to help give an idea of what’s possible.

1. Cleaning services

A cleaning service is an excellent example of an at-home business. You can get started with services offered yourself or build a team. Expenses are typically low, as you only need to purchase cleaning supplies and pay employees (if you decide to hire). A home office and accounting software are really all that’s needed to keep the books, and advertising can be as simple as printing up fliers or buying a local ad placement.

2. Consulting services

Consulting services are a great choice for anyone with specialized knowledge or skills. Rather than accepting a salary set by someone else, you can offer your expertise for whatever price you feel your services are worth. Consultants can be an expert in any field, from accounting to engineering. It’s all about selling your services to the right market.

3. Tutoring services

For teachers or experts in a specific field, tutoring can offer an outlet that allows for extra cash or even a full time career. Advertising can be done through schools, and when you have a few clients, word-of-mouth will go a long way to boosting your client list. 

4. Personal training

While many personal trainers work through specific gyms, others find that they can expand their reach through personal training as a home-based business. A trainer can convert part of their home (like a garage) into a gym and see clients in person. They may also choose to create a social media empire by posting videos and demos online or running remote sessions with select clients.

5. Home organization

Are you someone who is naturally orderly? Home organization is a popular service in which you act as a consultant for those who want to arrange spaces in their home or office. This is a good choice for someone who has some experience in the field, like an interior decorator, but anyone with strong organizational skills can make a success of it. 

Creative services to start from home

6. Graphic design

In the internet age, there’s no limit to the need for graphic designers. Freelance graphic design can be a great at-home business. Completely virtual, there’s no overhead cost (other than software, which many designers may already have). Plus, you can work on a diverse array of projects from a portfolio of clients that you build.

7. Video production and editing

With so many would-be influencers, talking heads, and producers on YouTube, there’s a real premium on anyone with video production and editing skills. As with graphic designers, you can meet with clients and complete almost all work virtually. 

8. Photography

This medium has so many niche and mass markets that someone with real skill and training can make a good living with their own business. Whether you want to sell prints of wildlife or landscape photography or sell services as a wedding or event photographer, this is an excellent business you can start from home.

9. Hair stylist

Any stylist knows that paying rent on a chair can really cut into your bottom line. A good way to get rid of the middle-man is to convert part of your own space into a salon. A garage, an extra room…all it takes is a chair, access to plumbing, and a bit of storage. Of course, you’ll have to take on the extra responsibility of scheduling and overhead costs, but it can really pay for itself in the end. 

10. Freelance writing

If you’re someone with a knack for writing and a good eye for research, freelance writing is a potential business you can start from home. Begin by working through a freelancing site and eventually build up a list of clients. There are a ton of writing assignments out there like blogs, white papers, web copy, and more.

Which small business is right for you?

After asking yourself: “what businesses can I start from home?”, the next logical leap is: “which business is right for me?” This can depend on a number of factors. The most important consideration is where your talents lie. In some cases your home business ideas will require that you have some sort of certification (personal training), training (hair stylist), or education (accounting consultant). Others may just be performed with a certain amount of skill or experience. 

It’s also a good idea to base your home business in something you are passionate about. Working from home is cheap and convenient, but is often not as stimulating as going to an office and mingling with other people. Loving what you do can protect you from mental burnout.

Tips for creating a small business from home

  1. Begin the process while you’re still employed. While your end game may be to gain your entire income from your home-based business, you’ll need to allow time to establish it and ensure that your revenue will cover operational costs and overhead. 
  2. Set up your goals and write a business plan. What do you want your business to look like? Are you planning on simply employing yourself, or do you want to eventually manage a team? Get detailed to avoid sinking time and money into something that isn’t feasible. 
  3. Start networking. It’s never too early to start looking for clients. If you already work in your field, start to let people know that you’ll be starting your own business (unless doing so specifically breaks an agreement you signed with your current workplace). 
  4. Join a related professional association to get the best information you can and allow for networking opportunities.
  5. Get any professional help that may be necessary. For example, a bookkeeper or accountant or a lawyer for writing up any contracts.
  6. Line up your money. This may be through investors or lenders. Don’t start anything until you are sure you have the financial backing you need. 
  7. Find a bank that works with small businesses. They often have perks and services specifically designed with you in mind. 

How to choose a bank account for your small business

When it comes time to choose a bank for your small business, do your research. You want to find an established financial institution that offers benefits that can help you succeed. North One delivers smart, digital banking tools that can help you keep your finances in order without having to hire a bookkeeper. They also allow you to send ACH, wires, deposit checks, and pay bills from your phone. Business debit cards backed by MasterCard make purchasing goods or services for your new business simple and safe. 

With just a little assistance from a bank that understands small business, you can really see your home-based business take off.