Small business owners are the backbone of the American economy. But more than that, they embody the values that are core to our national identity, like freedom, independence, grit, and self-determination. These are the values we admire and see every day in our customers. 

In this series, we’ll be shining a spotlight on some of the small business owners who embody the North One Spirit. These are real, hard-working Americans that use North One to manage their business banking, so they can focus on the stuff that matters.

Tasha Wilmore – Help On Deck 

Tasha Wilmore is the owner of Help On Deck currently residing in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. As a military spouse, Tasha needed a career that afforded her flexibility to work from wherever her partner was stationed.

“Being a military spouse is exciting and can be challenging all at the same time,” said Tasha.  “Moving from place to place presents the challenges of finding a new home, new job, getting accustomed to a new community, and much more.  After moving a couple of times, I was exhausted from the job hunt process to have to do it all over again in a few years.”

Tasha needed to think outside the box when it came to finding a job. Using the skills she acquired after decades working for other people, she created Help on Deck. Help On Deck provides virtual administrative support to business professionals, offering services like scheduling, travel management, social media support, and more. Since starting the business, Tasha has been able to create jobs for her community and support a local sports team. Entrepreneurship has allowed her to take control of her life and give back to the causes she supports. North One has helped her get there.

Watch the video below to hear more of Tasha’s story:

Tasha Wilmore: North One Customer

Tasha needed a bank that offered the same kind of flexibility as her business. That’s why North One — as a fully digital bank — was such a great fit.

“It’s a very empowering experience because you feel like there’s someone in the trenches with you, you’re not in this by yourself,” said Tasha.

“Being an entrepreneur within itself is a scary thing and it can be very challenging…and if you know that you have a banking institution that’s there for you not only to protect your funds but to give you guidance as well. It definitely makes you feel more comfortable, they’re building a rapport with you that makes you feel like you have your capital and your trust in the right hands, and North One provides that.”

We’re so proud to support small business owners like Tasha Wilmore and Help on Deck. They’re the people who make America run. 

You can find out more about Help On Deck here

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