Salons thrive on their ability to market themselves—whether through traditional channels or through word-of-mouth recommendations. When it comes to actively marketing for salons, there are plenty of avenues you can explore, from boosting your online presence to hosting in-person events. 

Whether you’re trying to bring in new clientele, generate fanfare among your following, or get people interested in new products or services, there’s a lot you can do to get the word out. Here are the top 10 latest and greatest salon and beauty marketing strategies to try.

1. Search engine marketing

In today’s digital age, search engine marketing (SEM) has become a crucial component for any business—especially salons looking to increase their local visibility. By optimizing your website and utilizing paid search ads, salons can greatly improve their chances of appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

One of the main reasons why SEM is so effective for salons is because it targets potential customers at the exact moment when they’re actively searching for these services. SERPs also show localized results, meaning you’re connecting with people in your community who might be interested in your services. 

To achieve a big boost in your web presence, use relevant keywords in your content, optimize ad copy and landing pages, and regularly monitor and adjust campaigns to improve their efficacy. Through strategic SEM practices, salon owners can enhance their business’s chances of being seen by customers who are actively searching for services in their area.

2. Create an online booking system

In today’s fast-paced world, time is of the essence. Whether it’s for a quick trim or a complete makeover, customers expect convenience when it comes to booking appointments at their favorite salon. Forward-thinking salons understand the importance of embracing and adopting an online booking system like SimplyBook.

This simple feature helps salons elevate their customer service to meet the needs of busy clients. With just a few clicks, customers can schedule appointments at their convenience, without having to wait around on the phone. Not only does this result in happier customers, it also streamlines the booking process for staff. Plus, with instant confirmation and personalized text reminders, clients can stay on top of their appointments. It’s a win for everyone!

3. Develop a blog for content marketing

In terms of both cost and results, creating a compelling blog is one of the most effective forms of marketing for salons. Not only does blogging help you connect with potential clients in a more personal way, it also provides an opportunity to showcase your salon’s expertise and knowledge of the beauty industry.

By introducing loyal customers and new visitors to new products or services, highlighting the work of a specific stylist, or discussing the latest trends in hair and beauty, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information and build a strong relationship with your audience. With a well-curated blog, it’s easier than ever to attract, retain, and educate customers, and create a community of loyal followers who trust and appreciate your salon’s unique perspective.

4. Create an SMS engagement system

Ready to boost engagement with your current customers? Implementing a high-quality SMS engagement system is a great way to do so. This tool can offer a multitude of benefits—from informing clients of current promotions and discounts, to reminding them of upcoming appointments. 

A well-executed SMS engagement system can not only keep clients engaged and interested in a business but also streamline operations and increase revenue. As a growing beauty salon, implementing an SMS engagement system could be just what you need to take your outreach efforts to the next level.

5. Run Google Ads in your service area

With so many digital tools at your disposal for marketing for salons, it can be hard to determine where to focus your efforts and your budget. For growing salons looking to expand their client base, investing in Google Ads can be a smart move. By targeting potential customers in your area, you can increase your visibility online and drive more traffic to your salon. 

With Google Ads, you can set your budget and target specific keywords, to ensure your ads are seen by the right people at the right time. With the right strategy in place, Google Ads can be a powerful tool for growing your salon and reaching new clients. While these ads can get pricey, they’re often a great way to boost visibility for a specific purpose, such as a product launch or sale. 

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6. Dabble in influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become a crucial aspect of enhancing brand visibility and increasing customer engagement. For growing salons, this is an opportunity that shouldn’t be ignored! By collaborating with influencers, salons can reach a broader audience that may not have been accessible otherwise. 

It’s no secret that social media is an excellent way for businesses to connect with their customers, and influencer marketing takes this one step further. With the right influencer, salons can establish an emotional connection with potential customers to build brand loyalty, which is vital for businesses of all sizes. 

7. Host product demos and pop-ups

Hosting product demos and pop-up events is an engaging form of marketing for salons. Not only do these special events allow salons to connect directly with existing customers, they also provide an opportunity to connect with new ones. By showcasing new products or offering unique services, salons can create a buzz that brings people in the door. 

Product demos and pop-up events also allow salons to gain valuable feedback from customers about what they like or don’t like about a product or service. It’s also just a great way to get people involved and hands-on with your products and staff. 

8. Create automatic rebooking

Implementing automatic rebooking using software is a great way to add another level of convenience to your services and create the best possible experience for your customers. Not only does this make life easier for salon owners, it’s also a convenient option for customers. The software tracks their previous appointments and sends reminders when it’s time to book again, eliminating the need for manual booking. This way, customers can easily secure their preferred time slots and ensure they never miss a beauty appointment.

9. Invest in video marketing

Investing in video marketing can increase brand awareness, showcase services and products, and ultimately grow profits. By creating entertaining or informative videos, salons engage people with dynamic content. Sharing these videos through various social media channels can help reach a wider audience and establish a strong online presence.

Although video marketing may require some initial investment in equipment and production—or the services of an outsourced video marketing partner—it can provide a high return on investment over time, making it a worthwhile investment for any growing salon.

10. Encourage clients to leave reviews

By leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing, salons can benefit from the high credibility and trustworthiness of customer reviews. Get great reviews from happy customers by engaging them at the right moments: right after their service. Whether it’s a QR code in your salon that opens Google Reviews or a follow-up email they get the next day, you need to capitalize on the good vibes of a fresh cut. 

While buying good reviews is generally a bad area, it’s okay to incentivize people to leave honest feedback. For instance, offer a 10% of product coupon if they review before they leave the salon. 

Growing salons need to partner with the right financial services solutions

A growing salon needs the right banking and financial solutions that can scale with them as they employ new marketing strategies and generate new business. North One is the ideal banking solution for small and medium-sized businesses like salons. We understand that as your business expands, your banking needs change as well. 

With our comprehensive suite of services—including invoicing tools, expense tracking, and mobile banking—we’re here to support you every step of the way. Plus, with our user-friendly interface and dedicated customer support team, you can focus on running your salon while we take care of the financial details. Trust us to provide the financial backbone your salon needs to keep growing!