You know how challenging it can be to manage a small business. Especially when you’re just starting out. Cash is tight, you’re still figuring out the flow of things and you don’t always have access to resources that make managing your business easier. With so much going on, it can be difficult to keep your business organized but with the right small business management tips, you can improve processes and your business’s output. 

Here are 8 key tips to better manage your small business and improve your venture’s success. 

1. Set up a business bank account

The first and most important tip to manage your small business is to set up a business bank account. Having a business bank account allows you to keep track of your business expenses, lets you manage your taxes, build a line of credit, and so much more.

North One is business banking built for small businesses which makes banking easy. Plus, if you sign up for North One today and get a limited time reward of $50 when you deposit $50

2. Separate your personal finances from your business finances 

Because both personal taxes and business taxes are calculated differently and separately, keeping spending and saving for business and personal use apart makes it easier to manage your finances. 

3. Prepare for tax time

Keep all business financial records throughout the year to make tax time easier. Make sure you claim all income which is reported to the IRS. Hiring an accountant to help at tax time and for your business plan will help you save time and will improve your chances of everything going smoothly. 

4. Stick to a budget

Budgeting makes it easier for you to plan out what your expenses are going towards. It also allows you to make clear decisions about the ways in which your funds should or shouldn’t be spent.

5. Analyze cash flow

Analyzing cash flow will help you get a good understanding of where your business is financially. It helps identify any existing or potential issues with the inflow or outflow of funds. This is also the best way to measure your company’s performance.  

6. Utilize online tools 

With technology becoming more and more optimized, tedious time consuming tasks can be cut in half. Taking advantage of different business management software and tools will help you keep track of your finances, plan/budget accordingly, and help you save time. To make things even easier you can connect all your business management tools to your business account with North One.

7. Set goals (And stick to them)

Not only is it important to set goals, it is even more important to stick to them. This lets you take a look at where you are, where you want to be, and also how to get there. Most of all, it holds you accountable.

8. Plan ahead

The saying, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” rings true. When it comes to your business finances, it’s important to always plan ahead. Planning gives your company a clear direction and helps you create a roadmap that keeps you on track for success. 

These simple management tips will help your business flourish. By keeping your business and personal finances separate, preparing for tax time, sticking to a budget, analyzing cash flow, leveraging online tools, setting goals and planning ahead, you can make sure your business continues to grow while staying organized. 

If you’re currently looking for a business bank, North One is a trusted, reliable source for banking needs and cash flow management. Sign up for North One today and get a limited time reward of $50 when you deposit $50